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GFF College Dining Survey Responses

University of California, Berkeley



Survey Date:

Jan 7, 2025

Survey 1 of 4




Egg Allergy, Milk Allergy, Peanut Allergy, Tree Nut Allergy, Wheat Allergy

Student's Summary Assessment:

College Dining:


Surrounding Area:


Rationale for Grades Given

Each of the dining halls has a dedicated allergy-friendly station. I usually eat at Crossroads, and the allergy-friendly options usually consist of gluten-free pasta, chicken, beef, brown rice, vegetables, potatoes or sweet potatoes, and a few other items. There is a little variation in what they serve, but generally it is very repetitive. I haven't eaten at the other dining halls much, but the allergen free options at Cafe 3 seem pretty limited. However, there are often foods at the normal station that do not directly contain my allergens (although they risk cross contamination) that I eat sometimes.

There are lots of restaurants in Berkeley with foods I can eat. However, there is one restaurant that I've ordered from a few times, and I have noticed cross contamination. I have stopped ordering there due to this. While there are lots of restaurants nearby, always be careful of cross contamination!

Details About this Student's Food Restrictions

How many years ago were you diagnosed with food allergies or celiac disease?


If you indicated celiac or gluten intolerance, how sensitive are you to gluten?

Very: React to small amounts

Add details to help us better understand your food restrictions (e.g. sensitivity level, potential reaction, need for EPI pen)

I carry an epi pen for my wheat, peanut, tree nut, milk, and egg allergies. I have had anaphylactic reactions to wheat, tree nuts, and milk in the past. Now, my milk and egg allergies are less severe than my wheat and nut allergies, although I am still very cautious around all of my allergens.

Details About this Student's College Dining Experience

Does your college handle food restrictions as you expected when you decided to attend?

Mostly what I expected

Have you had a reation from eating in your dining hall?


If Yes, describe each incident and how your school responded

Did you register your food restriction with the disabilities office? If yes, describe

I did not think it would be necessary for me personally, but you can apply for accommodations if you think you need them.

Are there resources to help with nutritious, safe dining (e.g. dietician)? If yes, describe

Yes, there is a campus dietician that you can email.

If you were in charge of dining, what would you change? Would your school be open to suggestions?

I would add more variety to the allergen-friendly menus. Also, Golden Bear Cafe is not very accommodating of my allergies, so I would want them to be more considerate of my needs. There are signs at the dining hall saying that you can ask for allergy-friendly desserts, but usually they don't have them. One time they had gluten-free chocolate cake though. However, many of the dining hall staff are very friendly and understanding, so I think they would be open to suggestions. Some even mentioned how they hoped to add more allergy-friendly dessert options.

Describe your biggest challenge managing your food restrictions at college and how you deal with it

Like I mentioned in the previous question, one of the on campus eateries, Golden Bear Cafe, refuses to let me order just fries instead of fries + a sandwich. I have explained to them multiple times that I am allergic to wheat and cannot eat the sandwich, but they will not let me just get the fries, which is very frustrating. I have stopped going there. I am lucky that I am not super sensitive to cross contamination, so I can often eat the foods at the normal station in the dining hall, but for people who only rely on the allergy-friendly stations, I can see why the food would get super repetitive. In this case, I think you can request accommodations such as a reduced meal plan and cook for yourself more often instead.

Advice for Incoming Students:


Did your food restrictions impact your housing decisions?  Any dorm recommendations

No, but if you have severe allergies, you can submit an accommodation request that may allow you a modified meal plan or potentially even a single room.

Dining Halls:

Any advice for managing dining halls?  Favorite dining halls? Any to avoid?

I typically eat at Crossroads because it is the closest to my dorm and overall has pretty good options. Like I said, it can feel repetitive, but when the main dishes don't contain allergens (this is separate from the allergy-friendly station), I try to take advantage of that. I have also spoken with the dietician, and she said that you can request food directly from the warmer/cooler to avoid cross contamination risk. However, I would advise avoiding the grill and fryer areas as they contain the highest risk of cross contamination.

Meal Plans:

Describe your meal plans over the year(s). What's mandatory? Any suggestions? 

You have the option to choose from 3 meal plans if you live in the residence halls. You can look on the Berkeley dining website to view them. Most people stick with the blue plan, but you can check out the options to see what amount flex dollars and meal swipes best fits your needs. (You can use flex dollars on Grubhub and Berkeley eateries)


Any advice for eating in the dorms? Favorite snacks? Places that deliver? 

There are two Trader Joe's nearby, which I go to regularly to buy easy frozen meals or snacks. There is also a Safeway close by. Like I mentioned above, you can also use your flex dollars to get Grubhub. Also, there is a shared kitchen in each dorm building if you want to cook. Make sure to bring your own cookware though!

Getting Started:

What should students do before school starts or when they first arrive?

If you think you might need accommodations, you should fill out the housing accommodations form. You can also email the dietician to ask any questions you might have.


Advice on managing parties or dinners out with friends?

Berkeley has so many food options, so if you can't eat something at one restaurant that your friends are going to, you can always try to grab something from somewhere else if it's safe!


Any other advice or comments?

Overall, the allergy-friendly stations are safe (ex. the staff are trained to keep all of the items covered), but they can feel repetitive. Berkeley has lots of restaurants nearby though, so I would explore and see which ones meet your needs.

Meal Plans:

GFF College Dining Survey responses come directly from students and do not reflect the viewpoints or opinions of Gluten Free Friends.

The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.  Always read labels on mentioned products as ingredients may change without notice.


©2018 by Gluten Free Friends

LOGO credit:  Claire Harpel

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