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GFF College Dining Survey Responses

University of South Carolina


South Carolina

Survey Date:

Dec 18, 2024

Survey 1 of 1




Celiac Disease

Student's Summary Assessment:

College Dining:


Surrounding Area:


Rationale for Grades Given

While the dietitian on campus assures me safety - at point of ordering it is a real struggle to get the food service team to comply. There are dedicated gluten-free grills and driers but to get food from them I have to request a head chef direct the line workers- I have been shamed on more than one occasion saying I was being “dramatic” and didn’t really require such precautions. The only reason I did not give an F is I have the ability to order from grub hub on campus through chic fil which is continuously safe for me. The school is implementing an AP for food allergy people to be able to order in advance but it is not working yet.

There are many gluten free restaurant offerings near by along with grocery delivery from great stores that deliver to my dorm.

Details About this Student's Food Restrictions

How many years ago were you diagnosed with food allergies or celiac disease?


If you indicated celiac or gluten intolerance, how sensitive are you to gluten?

Extremely: React to even small traces

Add details to help us better understand your food restrictions (e.g. sensitivity level, potential reaction, need for EPI pen)

Gluten Free- avoiding all cross contamination. Reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, brain fog, anxiety and extreme exhaustion. Reaction is usually within an hour of exposure.

Details About this Student's College Dining Experience

Does your college handle food restrictions as you expected when you decided to attend?

Mostly not what I expected

Have you had a reation from eating in your dining hall?


If Yes, describe each incident and how your school responded

There was an I am sorry that happened but no real action on their part.

Did you register your food restriction with the disabilities office? If yes, describe

Yes- I met with the dietician and head chefs during orientation where I was assured safety but unless I seek out a chef in the dining hall it does me no good.

Are there resources to help with nutritious, safe dining (e.g. dietician)? If yes, describe

Not that I have used

If you were in charge of dining, what would you change? Would your school be open to suggestions?

There should be a complete allergen free dining hall/food line available. My college has
The gluten free grills and driers contained writhing the main food line. The allergy station is a window with terrible options - 1 per day.

Describe your biggest challenge managing your food restrictions at college and how you deal with it

I cook most of my own food in my dorm. I have a full kitchen - it has put a financial strain on my family paying for a meal plan and buying all of my groceries. I should have been allowed to completely opt out of the meal plan to begin with. I also do not enjoy being food shamed in front of my peers - being yelled at for making ridiculous requests has happened more than I care to say.

Advice for Incoming Students:


Did your food restrictions impact your housing decisions?  Any dorm recommendations

File for accommodations EARLY! I was able to be assigned a dorm with a full kitchen with my roommates of choice. Be diligent with the chefs - my anxiety could not handle the confrontations but you have to keep advocating for yourself. Be very transparent with who you are living with and make those choices carefully. I chose to live with teammates from HS who have helped manage GF food with me for many years. My 4th roommate actually reached out because she saw celiac in my profile - she has a sensitivity so it is a lot easier living with someone new who understands exactly your restrictions.

Dining Halls:

Any advice for managing dining halls?  Favorite dining halls? Any to avoid?

Campus Village 1 honeycomb cafe is usually the best option at breakfast but even at the dedicated station I have had issues. Russell House main dining hall is crowded and always busy so it is hard to get to talk to a chef for safe food. Use the food ordering ap if/when it is running without issues.

Meal Plans:

Describe your meal plans over the year(s). What's mandatory? Any suggestions? 

Freshman required meal plan is -3k per semester. Make a plan with the dietician that you can reduce it after 30 days if you are not being successful. And eliminate 2nd semester if it is not working for you.


Any advice for eating in the dorms? Favorite snacks? Places that deliver? 

Grub Hub has GF options that you can use your meal plan and campus dollars at.

Getting Started:

What should students do before school starts or when they first arrive?

Meet with dietician and chefs. Shop and stock your dorm with easy grab and go foods. Bring your tools if you have a kitchen - toaster air fryer etc. I have all of my things color coded red so roommates Know not to contaminate.


Advice on managing parties or dinners out with friends?

Advocate for yourself. Explore restaurants that have good GF options so you are prepared to make suggestions.


Any other advice or comments?

Meal Plans:

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