Celiac College Student Survey submitted August, 2019
Food Service Vendor
Bon Appetit
What stage are you in college?
Please describe your meal plan for each year there so far. Include if your school required any of these decisions. If you are eating in a greek house or other club type arrangement include that as well.
Residential campus that requires a meal plan all years. I had a meal plan for first 2 years, diagnosed after first year. Went off the meal plan after second year due to getting sick in cafeteria. Now I cook for myself in my dorm room.
How many years ago were you diagnosed with celiac?
How sensitive to gluten are you?
Extremely: React to even small traces
How would you describe the worst reaction you have had since diagnosis?
Really bad
Does your college handle celiac food restrictions as you expected they would when you selected your school?
Not at all what I expected
Grade your college on feeding celiac students
Explain your rationale for that grade
There is only 1 dining hall and I was told that I could be accommodated. I got very sick eating in the cafeteria as they couldn't guarantee cross contamination.
Check all that apply
My school is small and has only a few dining halls, I can't find any good options in the dining halls at all
Did you register with your students disabilities office for accommodations? If yes, describe.
Yes I am registered. Because I kept getting sick and wasn't able to be released from my meal plan for the year, I received accommodations that I could leave the class to go the bathroom and miss class if I was exposed to gluten.
Are there resources (nutritionists, chefs, peer support groups) to help ensure you are receiving safe nutritious food? Describe
The chefs have you text them before going to the cafeteria so they could prepare a meal. However, they still took food from the serving areas, where cross contamination happened.
How many times have you been glutenized in your dining hall?
More than 3
If you didn't select NONE, what happened and how did school respond?
That I must be sensitive to cross contamination and I should go off the meal plan. However I wouldn't be able to get off the plan until the start of the new year, months later.
Describe your biggest celiac challenge at college and how you manage it
Getting off the meal plan and cooking for myself in my dorm room. I've become a pretty good cook and found meal delivery services to be useful (Freshly, GreenChef)
If you were in charge of your school's dining, what changes would you implement to better feed celiac students? Would your school be open to these suggestions?
I would implement a gluten free station and make a dorm kitchen gluten free, so all food prepared in it would be safe, to avoid cross contamination
Did celiac impact your housing decision? How? Is there a certain dorm you recommend for celiacs? Why?
All dorms have communal kitchens, all dorms are about the same for celiacs. All kitchens don't get cleaned enough so if you need to use some appliances, you need to clean it first.
Your advice to new celiac kids for managing the dining halls? Favorite dining hall(s)?
Get off the meal plan as soon as possible
Your advice to new celiac kids for eating in the dorm? Favorite snacks? Places that deliver?
My InstantPot has been amazing to cook GF meals. Not a lot of delivery options in Northfield but if you have a car, there are a lot of pickup options, my favorite is Fielder's Choice or Tokyo Grill
Your advice to new celiac kids on preparing before they come? Or doing upon first arrival?
Learn how to cook simple meals so you have some freedom. Work with your roommate to get your space safe for you.
Your advice to new celiac kids on managing keg parties and alcohol scene?
Bring your own alcohol
Grade your college town area for celiac friendliness
Favorite places to eat in town or foodshop?
Chapati Indian Food, Gran Plaza, Fielder's Choice, Tokyo Grill
Anything else you would like to add?
Honestly if I would've been diagnosed with celiac before coming to St. Olaf, I would've decided against a residential campus like here.